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Creating a Sustainable Food Truck

legionfoodtrucks - August 29, 2024 - 0 comments

Creating a Sustainable Food Truck: Tips for Reducing Waste and Energy Use

For many business owners, the option for sustainability is a key reason they opened a food truck in the first place. Food trucks are often more sustainable than restaurants. Not only do food trucks often use less energy, but they can also travel to their patrons.

Why Sustainable Food Trucks Are the Future

If you’ve been considering sustainable food truck options, you likely know that eco-friendly solutions are simply part of the future. 

Save Money

Many people started food truck businesses as a way to avoid paying some of the higher costs associated with opening a restaurant. Today, you can still save money, particularly when opting for sustainable options. For instance, you might save money on equipment maintenance costs by getting your kitchen appliances serviced on a regular basis.

Eliminate Food Waste

Additionally, sustainability helps eliminate food waste. Using local produce means buying only what you need from a vendor in your area rather than purchasing large amounts of produce from a vendor in another part of the country. You’ll buy only what you need, so you’ll throw less food in the trash each week.

Sustainable Food Truck Best Practices

If you want to operate a sustainable food truck business, it’s crucial that you build a system of eco-friendly practices. While food trucks are already on their way to becoming a sustainable business venture, there’s always room for improvement. These steps are just a few ways you can work toward a sustainable outcome.

Switch to an EV Truck

One of the most obvious ways to make a big change for your business is to begin using an EV truck instead of a traditional food truck. An EV may use a lot of electricity, but you won’t have to buy gas. You’ll also contribute less pollution to the environment and reduce your reliance on oil.

Use Seasonal Produce

When you purchase seasonal produce, you buy the fruits and vegetables that grow naturally in your area during the current time of year. This means that the produce you buy doesn’t require additional resources, such as more water or light than what is naturally available.

Stay Up to Date on Vehicle Needs

Your food truck is more likely to last longer and may release fewer emissions with regular service. If your food truck travels frequently, it’s best to ensure that you take your vehicle for regular maintenance. Your vehicle’s manufacturer may have recommendations about the best time to take your vehicle for service.

Opt for Paperless Receipts 

Printed receipts often end up in the already crowded landfill. Instead of printing your customer’s receipts, offer a paperless option to send to them via their email or phone.

Take the First Step to a Sustainable Food Truck Today

Are you ready to make a move toward sustainability? Legion Food Trucks has the expertise to help you succeed. Contact us to learn more about how you can invest in a green business by taking advantage of California’s EV incentive program.

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