7 Unique Food Truck Designs To Inspire You
A unique and eye-catching design can make all the difference in standing out in a crowded food truck scene. From vintage vibes to eco-friendly options, unique and…
5 Tips For Designing An Amazing Food Truck Wrap
Visibility is one of the biggest advantages food trucks enjoy in their pursuit of success. According to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA), name…
Understanding How FUTA Affects Your Food Truck
For food truck owners, the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) is an important consideration when it comes to food truck taxes. FUTA is a federal tax designed to…
4 Unexpected Food Truck Expenses To Prepare For
Food trucks are profitable businesses. The average food truck makes about $300,000 annually, making this an exciting business venture for chefs, creatives, and entrepreneurs…
How Often Do Food Trucks Get Inspected?
In terms of health and safety, food trucks are held to the same standards as traditional restaurants. This means you will often have to deal with health inspections. Whether…