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Education and insight into blogs for food truck owners, builders and marketers.

Is a Custom Food Truck More Expensive Than A Restaurant?

Is a Custom Food Truck More Expensive Than A Restaurant?

Whether building your food truck online or establishing a traditional brick-and-mortar restaurant, starting costs will vary depending on size, location, and available…

legionfoodtrucks October 13, 2021
How to Winterize Your Food Truck Equipment

How to Winterize Your Food Truck Equipment

Mobile dining businesses have become increasingly popular in the United States, from large food trucks and trailers to bustaurants and food carts. But when temperatures…

legionfoodtrucks October 6, 2021
Is Propane Safe For a Food Truck?

Is Propane Safe For a Food Truck?

One of the greatest benefits of a food truck design is the flexibility of going anywhere. However, this requires that you carry portable fuel and food truck equipment…

legionfoodtrucks September 29, 2021
Food Truck Design Tips: Create a Mind-Blowing Vinyl Wrap

Food Truck Design Tips: Create a Mind-Blowing Vinyl Wrap

The key to standing out in any neighborhood or festival is excellent food truck design. The outside of your truck is especially important in garnering attention.…

legionfoodtrucks September 15, 2021
How to Develop a Food Truck Business Plan For Your Restaurant

How to Develop a Food Truck Business Plan For Your Restaurant

The food truck business continues to gain rapid popularity for people who are looking for a convenient and flexible source of income. While it sounds like an exciting…

legionfoodtrucks September 8, 2021