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4 Things To Consider for Your Food Truck Design

legionfoodtrucks - April 20, 2023 - 0 comments

A good food truck design works at both the interior and exterior levels. The exterior design will help you stand out and attract customers while the interior design will ensure your business runs smoothly and without disruption. 

This article will explore four must-haves that a food truck designer should take into consideration when building your custom food truck.

Food Truck Design Tips

great food truck designs don’t just happen. It takes planning, research, and a vision for company growth. Here are four tips to help you and your food truck builder create a winning food truck design.

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1. Use Stainless Steel

Materials are everything. Some buyers will opt for cheaper materials that are porous, hard to clean, stain easily, and that can even rub off on to food (cutting up a salad on types of plastic over time can give a strange chemical taste to the food that derives from contact with chemicals, and though they aren’t toxic, the taste is vile). Always get a high-quality stainless steel interior. This means the floor, walls, counters, storage–everything should be stainless steel. It is by far the most sanitary interior material to have, easy to clean and offers a nice modern look.

2. Plan for Growth

A growth-driven platform is something the best food truck builders in the industry do to ensure space works for their clients now and will continue to be a great solution to their future needs as they grow. You should work with food truck builders who take the time to sit down with you, understand your menu, brand, and target customers, as well as what your growth goals are and where you see your food truck in five years.

An interior food truck design will include the necessary equipment needed to store, prep and cook the food and have enough floor space to accommodate your current team. But if your growth goal is to add an oven and an industrial juicer, along with two other staff members, then the food truck design of today must have space for these future goals. And only food truck builders who base the food truck design around their client’s goals will allow for this.

3. Utilize Technology

There are various types of food truck technology. From touch screens that allow people to place their orders, to fun lighting for nighttime aesthetics and even technology for entertainment when you have those long lines at food truck festivals or when you park outside a concert or sports event, your needs could vary.

But the technology needs to provide a solution for your customers or attract people to your truck. For example, if your target audience is night crowds that gather in the city where all the clubs are, having fun flashing strobes so they feel like the party is still swinging could attract people. If your target audience is the rush hour lunch grown Downtown, then having touch screens for placing orders with pick-up times would be an amazing incentive.

food truck equipment

4.Your Exterior Food Truck Design

You have two main options: vinyl wraps or a hand-painted job (with traditional brushes or airbrushes). If your food truck business is going to operate down by the beach where the air has high salinity levels, or if you plan to do business up in the mountains during the winter season where the weather can be harsh and where roads are salted, a vinyl wrap would be the best option because they stand up better to harsher conditions.

Stand Out With Unique Food Truck Designs

Make sure your food truck design property brands your business, showcases your logo and social media channels, and has an overall design that ties your local customers, geographic location, and menu items altogether. After all, people love familiarity, and a familiar design with the food they know and love that showcases their hometown and speaks to them at a personal level will garner greater traffic, and with that more sales.

Contact Legion Food Trucks for a custom food truck today. No concept or idea is out of reach for our team of designers and fabricators.

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