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Choosing the Best Food Truck Cabinets for Storage

legionfoodtrucks - August 16, 2023 - 0 comments

Having the right equipment is the secret to running a successful food truck business. One of the essential items you must have in your food truck business is cabinets for storage. These cabinets serve as holding and warming regions. They are crucial in maintaining pre-cooked food at optimal temperature and keeping your ingredients fresh for instant preparation.

Several factors determine whether a food truck cabinet suits your business. Here are some things you need to look out for to choose the best food truck cabinets. 


There are different sizes available for food truck cabinets. Your choice depends on the amount of food you intend to carry at go. Remember, you will probably have no time to restock your food once you leave for your usual parking position. Therefore, having cabinets that fit your daily food supply would be best for your business. 

You can use cabinets with different sizes to hold different types of food. Some of these options are stackable, comprising two cabinets in one to hold different foods simultaneously. There are also half-size cabinets, double-wide, three-quarter size, and countertop options. 

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Moist or Dry Heating Options

You may need humidifier cabinets if you’re dealing with foods that need moisture to avoid drying out. Foods that need these cabinets include ribs, pork, and fried chicken. The humidifier cabinets usually have water pans that you can fill manually. If your food truck business deals with crispy and fried foods, a dry heat cabinet would be handy. 

Most food truck businesses install both options for easier storage of moist and dry foods. This allows them to include different foods in their menu and maximize customer numbers. 


Food truck cabinets are usually made of aluminum or stainless steel. Both options have their benefits and downsides that you should evaluate before you choose your food truck cabinets. Aluminum may be lighter but are less durable. 

Besides that, since you’ll need cabinets with excellent heat retention capacity, stainless steel cabinets are more suitable for your food truck business. Stainless steel has lower conductivity than aluminum, making it the better option for your cabinets. 


The location of your food truck cabinets determines the effectiveness of running your business. They should be placed in easy-access areas to allow easy movement within the truck. To determine if the cabinets are placed in accessible areas, consider where your employees stand while preparing food and check whether they can easily access the cabinets. You should also check the proximity of the customer access area to ensure that you serve them promptly. 

Elevate Your Food Truck Business with Legion Food Trucks

You must carefully evaluate the above factors to choose food truck cabinets that suit your needs. However, it’s easier to get a food truck cabinetry system with the intervention of modern technology. 

With Legion Food Trucks, you can select the best cabinetry system using our interactive food truck builder platform. It allows anyone interested in building a custom food truck to create their concept with the help of our fabrication team. For the best food truck cabinets, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. 
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