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Education and insight into blogs for food truck owners, builders and marketers.

How to Identify the Best Food Truck Builders for Your Business

How to Identify the Best Food Truck Builders for Your Business

Whether you are a GM for an established restaurant, a member of a leadership team for a corporation, an entrepreneur or you are about to launch a family business,…

legionfoodtrucks February 11, 2020
Is Buying a Food Truck a Good Move for Retired People?

Is Buying a Food Truck a Good Move for Retired People?

Regardless of the economy, retired people are scrambling to find ways to bring in additional income. One’s pension and retirement savings simply won’t cut it…

legionfoodtrucks February 4, 2020
Why Buying a Food Truck is a Smart Move for Family Businesses

Why Buying a Food Truck is a Smart Move for Family Businesses

Running a family business is a dream for thousands of people, but choosing the right business platform can be tricky and should only be made from the foundation…

legionfoodtrucks January 20, 2020
3 Reasons Why Retired People Should Buy a Food Truck

3 Reasons Why Retired People Should Buy a Food Truck

Just because you are retired doesn’t mean you should kick work to the side completely. You may have a desire to work in order to supplement your retirement income…

legionfoodtrucks December 17, 2019
Why People who Buy a Food Truck Report Better Lifestyles

Why People who Buy a Food Truck Report Better Lifestyles

Whether someone is trying to launch a family business or a restaurant owner is striving to expand his business out onto the streets, people who buy a food truck…

legionfoodtrucks December 8, 2019