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5 Food Truck Equipment Options To Upgrade Your Kitchen

legionfoodtrucks - October 19, 2022 - 0 comments

Upgrading your existing food truck equipment and adding a few bells and whistles to your vehicle is a great way to attract new customers in a highly competitive market. 

In this post, we’ll explore some innovative food truck equipment options and how they can improve your customer experience.

1. Specialized Food Truck Point-of-sale (POS) System

A specialized POS system is one of the greatest innovations your food truck can have. It has several menu customization features like deleting old orders, renaming others, and adding new ones. The system also allows you to send orders quickly to the kitchen staff without complicated technical procedures like coding. 

You can also use this technology alongside other portable devices like the iPad to increase the required food truck mobility. The device uses a common touch screen which is intuitive and straightforward to master and can help you manage inventory and process credit cards easily.

2.  Air Conditioning

Obviously, a food truck environment can get incredibly hot. But preparing tasty food begins with the comfort of your kitchen staff. Installing a quality air conditioner will help you regulate the truck’s temperature to make food preparation and serving more comfortable.

The Latest Food Truck Equipment and Technologies CTA

3.  Modernized Food Preparation Equipment

Your food truck is your business, and preparing the best food that pleases your customers is your primary objective. While healthy and fresh ingredients are critical, there is a little more-food preparation equipment. 

Some modern equipment like food safety applications can help you stay on top of food inspection programs and automate manual and time-consuming kitchen procedures that would otherwise compromise your quality service delivery, especially during busy schedules.

4.  Online Food Ordering Software

Food truck lines are often long at peak periods like lunch hour, and delaying customers’ services may be a turn-off to most people. You can overcome this challenge by allowing consumers to make their orders online in advance to save time. 

5.  SMS Marketing

SMS marketing is easy, cost-effective, and a powerful tool that can increase the revenue of your food truck business. It helps you reach many new customers and keep in touch with returning ones who have consented to your text messaging. The messages can help you update them on the nearest food truck location and invite them to special events and offers. 

You can send notifications of the updated menu items, promotions, and specials. But how can you get your customers to sign up for your SMS marketing? You can offer them physical incentives like a complimentary burger or a free side order.

Upgrade Your Food Truck with Legion

A food truck business is a highly profitable investment. However, the number of these mobile food outlets has been on an uptrend, with the US having more than 24 000 active food trucks in the streets. The only way to have an edge in this competitive market is to upgrade your food truck equipment options and stay on top of technology. 

At Legion Food Trucks, we are proud to customize your food truck from scratch or upgrade the existing equipment to boost your earnings and delight a lot of customers. Contact our team  today to help us help you.

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